15 Shawwāl '43 — Da'wah

5 Ways to Gain Islamic Knowledge


As Muslims, we are obligated to seek islāmic knowledge by the Prophet (ﷺ) (1) and because of this and many other reasons, This article will explain the 5 best ways to seek islāmic knowledge, and why it is beneficial.

1. Qurʾān

The number 1 best choice of islāmic knowledge is the Qurʾān of course. It is the holy book of Islām, revealed in the holy month of Ramaḍān, and contains tons of knowledge to be discovered.

If you don't curerntly own a Qurʾān, make sure to pick one up at your local islāmic bookstore, or order a copy online to get one of the most beneficial and important books.

The Qurʾān was also revealed by Allāh to the Angel Jibrīl in the month of Ramaḍān like I have mentioned earlier, then taught the Qurʾān to the Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ).

2. Sunnah

The Sunnah is the way of the Prophet (ﷺ). It is found from various authentic ḥadīth (plural, 'aḥādīth') books like Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim. It is also reported by several narrators like Abu Hurairah, and like the Qurʾān, contains tons of knowledge to be found.

Make sure to be cautious of fabricated aḥādīth, which are, in essence, made up aḥādīth. It is recommended to get aḥādīth only from authentic ḥadīth books, like Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and Sunan ibn Majah.

Also look to find the grade of the ḥadīth, which can be Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic), Ḥasan (good), and the worst of all, Ḍaʻīf (weak). It is recommended you don't follow Ḍaʻīf aḥādīth at all.

3. Books from scholars

From your local islāmic bookstore you can find various islāmic books compiled by numerous islāmic scholars, like Salih Al-Fawzan. These books can also be highly beneficial, I recommend books like Forty Hadith and The Book of Tawhid, 2 books which are profound. Of course, there are more beneficial books like these.

You can also order these books online from websites like Sifatu Safwa and Online Islamic Book.

4. Khutbah from Masjid

From your local masjid (mosque), you can perform special acts of worship and listen to the Khutbah (sermon) of the masjid. This like all the others can be very beneficial, the Imām (mosque leader), usually the host of the Khutbah, will share facts and benefits in the Khutbah to strengthen your ʾīmān (belief), manners and much more.

Also, I recommend going to Salafi masājid, those which usually include better benefits from regular masājid.

5. Read Fatāwā

Last of them all, fatāwā (singular, 'fatwā') are rulings given by numerous islāmic scholars, and they usually explain if something is recommended, permissible to do, or impermissible.

Some scholars who usually give fatāwā are Sheikh ibn Bāz (رحمه الله) and Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān (حفظه الله). You can find fatāwā from various islāmic websites, some sites being Abu Khadeejah and much more.


Concluding this, I have explained multiple sources to get islāmic knowledge from. Knowledge is immensly beneficial due to the fact that it is a great way to strengthen your ʾīmān and piety. It is also very important that you act upon that knowledge as well.

May Allāh bless you, and shukran.

Sources :

1. Sunan ibn Mājah 224, grade Ṣaḥīḥ according to al-Albānī