7 Ramaḍān '45 — Fatwā

Ruling on the fast of whoever ate/drank whilst being uncertain whether Fajr time had begun or not


Alḥamdulillāh! Ramaḍān has arrived, so now's the time for an increase in our daily ‘Ibādah and our reading and pondering of al-Qurʾān. Since Ramaḍān is here, I wanted to share an interesting fatwā from ibn Bāz (رحمه الله) regarding fasting. He (رحمه الله) was asked:

"What is the ruling on the fast of someone who ate or drank while being uncertain about whether Fajr time had begun or whether the sun had set? Please benefit us with an answer, and may you be rewarded (by Allāh)."

He (رحمه الله) responded:

"Whoever ate or drank while being uncertain about the entry of Fajr time, there is no sin on him and his fasting is correct. This is because the basic principle is that it still remains night (until proven otherwise). What is legislated for the believer is that he eats suḥūr (pre-dawn breakfast) before the time of doubt to protect his religion (from doubt) and to strive to perfect his fasting.

In reference to whoever ate or drank while being uncertain about the setting of the sun, then he has erred and he must make up for that day of fasting. This is because the basic principle is that it still remains daytime (until proven otherwise). Therefore, it is not permissible for the Muslim to break his fast unless he is certain that the sun has set or he feels certain that it probably has set. And Allāh is the Giver of success."

May Allāh have abundunt mercy on Sheikh ibn Baz and accept his works, and may Allāh bless you, and shukran.

Sources :

This fatwā is taken from the book, Fatāwā Islāmīyah vol no. 3, page no. 256-257, published by Darussalam.